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Welcome to my archive! You'll find a variety of personal and professional artwork here, including many in-progress images.
(I am currently seeking gallery representation. Please contact me using the email address on my About page. Thank you for exploring my work!)
New sensors in cars
(for Newsweek magazine)
Early alerts to prevent accidents.
-Adobe Illustrator
-Adobe Illustrator
World's largest oil rig. (for Popular Science magazine)
Diagrammed with huge inspiration and help from the great infographics artist, my friend John Grimwade.
-Adobe Illustrator
-Adobe Illustrator
Internet-wired home
(for Newsweek magazine)
How everyday items, like refrigerators and clothes, will be able to communicate with the internet (ie: “Time to get milk.”)
-Adobe Illustrator
-Adobe Illustrator
Flowers timeline
(for Newsweek magazine)
Which flowers should you plant in your garden if you want them to bloom throughout the day.
-Adobe Illustrator
-Adobe Illustrator
Tree timeline on the history of Rap music
(for Newsweek)
Adobe InDesign
Freud Timeline
(for Newsweek)
Sigmund Freud’s impact on the field of psychology.
Breaking the Chain of Covid-19 Infection
(Personal: produced to help stop the spread)
Describes what you can do to stop the spread of the disease at any of six stages of the chain of infection.
-Adobe InDesign and Ilustrator
-Adobe InDesign and Ilustrator
Heart diseases thatoften affect women
(for Newsweek magazine)
Things that can go wrong with women's hearts and how to repair them. InDesign
Stem Cells Explained
(for Newsweek magazine)
Adobe InDesign
How medical scientists are experimenting with them hoping to find cures for nerve-related diseases.
-Adobe InDesign
-Adobe InDesign
Components of Martha Stewart's Empire
(for Newsweek magazine)
Pie chart of Martha Stewart’s corporate revenue.
-Adobe InDesign
-Adobe InDesign
(for Newsweek Magazine)
Who’s who in the popular TV show, “The Sopranos.”
(for Newsweek Magazine)
This started out as a standard flowchart in Adobe Illustrator, but it wasn’t at all interesting. Since the show involved the Mafia, I decided to do this photographically as though it was a bulletin board in a police station.
-Adobe Photoshop and InDesign
-Adobe Photoshop and InDesign
How it negatively hurts a person’s body. (The title was written by an editor and, on reflection, it supports the idea that being thin is “perfection.”) 🤔
(for Newsweek magazine)
(for Newsweek magazine)
Hunting a Sniper
(for Newsweek magazine)
A sniper was able to kill random people without caught, until someone spotted a rifle barrel sticking out of a hole in the back of a car’s trunk.
Latino demographics in the United States
(for Newsweek magazine)
-Adobe Ilustrator
Global AIDS epidemic (for Newsweek magazine)
The virus’ regional impact.
-Adobe InDesign and Illustrator
-Adobe InDesign and Illustrator
US oil imports
(for Newsweek magazine)
Where the US imports oil from compared to Iraq (Canada not shown).
-Adobe Illustrator
-Adobe Illustrator
Clintons' new home in Westchester County, NY (for Newsweek magazine)
-Adobe Illustrator
Disney CEO timeline
(for Newsweek magazine)
Compared to the company’s stock price.
-Adobe Illustrator and InDesign
-Adobe Illustrator and InDesign
Purchase options abroad
(for Newsweek magazine)
How to stretch your dollars. The fancy, costlier product is on the left with a similar, but cheaper, product on the right.
-Adobe InDesign
-Adobe InDesign
Antibiotics: Why they aren't working
(for Newsweek magazine)
-Adobe Illustrator
West Bank and the PLO
(for Newsweek magazine)
Profiles who might replace long-time PLO leader, Yasser Arafat.
-Adobe InDesign and Illustrator
-Adobe InDesign and Illustrator
Iraq war map
(for Newsweek magazine)
Explains what’s happening militarily across the country.
-Adobe Photoshop and InDesign
-Adobe Photoshop and InDesign
London bombing
(for Newsweek magazine)
Locates where each of the four terrorist bombs were detonated.
-Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
-Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
London bombing detail (for Newsweek magazine)
These are diagrams, maps, and graphs that I made for work that visually explain information.
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